three stations thermoforming machine
The three-station positive and negative pressure thermoforming machine is a highly efficient device that integrates heating, forming, and cutting processes.
Sheet extruders are machines that heat and melt plastic materials, allowing them to be extruded into various packaging containers.
The line features a gradient single-screw design specifically optimized for the melting of polylactic acid (PLA) and corn starch.
A plastic cup making machine is a device used for producing disposable plastic cups, bowls, plates, and other thermoplastic products.
sheet extrusion
Plastic pellets (may contain additives) are conveyed from the hopper into a heated barrel through a rotating screw by pressure and shear.
single screw
The screw is a commonly used transmission element used to convert rotational motion into linear motion or torque into force.
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Taizhang provides solution and manufacturing of plastic sheet extrusion line, themoforming machines, and plastic cup making machine.