Fully automatic negative pressure all-in-one thermoforming machine: get the vacuum negative pressure to form the sheet material in mould by exhausting the air between sheet material and mould.

Fully automatic positive and negative pressure all-in-one thermoforming machine: exhaust the air between the mould and sheet material and pressure the sheet directly by mould, then gain higher forming precision, can thermoform more complicated products.

Advantage of positive and negative all-in-one thermoforming machine:
1, Suitable for products which have corner edge, concave and convex surface and groove surface. The forming products are very three-dimensional.
2, it’s transmitted to every place of the product part by positive pressure heating air, ther positive pressure air is heated, so the forming products are uniform.
3, Widely used for producing vegetable and fruit packaging boxes, seedling trays, food medicine packaging trays, electronic trays, egg trays, clamshell, etc.