What if The products cut out by cutting die of the thermoforming machine have burrs?
When thermoforming products from the thermoforming machine cutting station have burrs, take these measures:
Optimize Die Design Of Thermoforming Machine:
Check the die design for sharp edges and smooth shapes. Avoid sharp corners to reduce burrs.
Adjust Cutting Temperature:
Set the die heating temperature correctly. Increase temperature if the cuts appear incomplete.

Control Cutting Speed:
Adjust the cutting speed for better results. Slower speeds usually prevent burr formation.
Increase Cutting Pressure:
Verify and increase the cutting pressure as needed. Higher pressure improves contact with the material.
Choose Quality Materials:
Select materials with good cutting characteristics. Avoid materials that create excessive burrs.
Implement Post-Processing:
Use trimming and grinding for finished products. Mechanical or manual methods can smooth edges effectively.
Maintain the Die Regularly:
Inspect and maintain the die frequently. Regular sharpening keeps the cutting edge effective.
Perform Test Cuts:
Conduct small-scale test cuts before full production. Adjust parameters based on the test results.
Applying these measures reduces burrs and improves thermoforming product quality from the thermoforming machine.